After a few episodes of depression Ronnie starts the episode with the new and improved Ron Ron Ronnie juice drink (this surely must be a registered trademark by now). Pauly D jokes and Vinny in the kitchen, which is the mixture until Sammi rides happily in the house. fall Ron Ron's face, things are tough, and he walks out, leaving Sammi to greet the rest of the house. And, obviously, after staring Ron Ron whose existence was accompanied by appropriate music distressing. Vinny voices a question I've often thought while watching the sea, "Am I dreaming or awake?" It is safe to say that we would all like an answer to that question, Vin. Boys and girls separately and discuss the return of Sammi. Girls are 'hestatic' (Deena informs us means that when you are super happy and to be fair, very happy!), While the boys are worried that the fighting will start again. Ron Ron just looks Shellshocked.
We all go to the kitchen and have the first conversation between Ron Ron and Sammi - is a Zinger. Sammi's first words are 'You look pale and Ron Ron replies, very cleverly I might add, that is because he has seen a ghost. Ron Ron wins this battle of wits as all Sammi can do is be clear.
And then it is SHIRT TIME! Hairspray is everywhere, our favorite guidettes Guidos and be ready for the Karma. While preparing, Snooki hugs to Vinny asking if they can embrace it later if not brought to a little girl again. Vinny says yes, but also clearly see this as permission to bring a little girl again. We can all see where it goes. Then she goes for Karma.
Weather Karma spent a lot of Ron Ron plans to look after a soundtrack Sammi emotastic (anyone thinking of "30 Rock" each time this happens?) Ron Ron is trying too hard to run for Sammi, who stays indifferent and not giving any chance, so Ron Ron just go home on their own. Sammi gets Snooki a drunk who just wants to go home with Vinny. Snooki drunken insults "if someone brings home, I'm going to kill me." Court Vinny Dominican talking to a girl who brings home.
Back home, Vinny and Pauly take their girls to their bedrooms to get back in Snooki and Sammi intend to see what's going on in the bedroom (m) VP. Ron Ron is brother and prevents code cock block imminent, only to get an earful of Sammi about how all men are pigs. Snooki go to bed and cries herself to sleep, that Vinny seems to be really annoying, but notes that connected with Gianni Snooki few days ago. Fortunately, MTV intervenes this with a little courtesy and disregard of JWoww Diana JW walking home and pop a squat behind some cars, but do not worry, Deena has a napkin (although JW managed to pee on the feet of Deena)
It's the next day and the aftermath of Snooki. But the rest of the shoremates bowling. When leaving the house, someone asks who is driving. Deena replied that she is, and added that "I'm really a good driver. As expected, next Deena have a sequence of bad driving, while its passengers are afraid for their lives. At one point Red Bull spills But do not worry guys, Deena can have a napkin.
They came, they bowled, they were, but JWoww got a play on words "blue balls" and we learn Pauly D has a slogan for a strike. What can not this time the man in gold sentence Jersey shore?
When they return, and JWoww Snooki have a heart to heart about burst Snooki last night and if she really has feelings for Vinny. Snooks says he feels embarrassed and stupid, I am inclined to agree with her.
Remember that the bathroom covered last week? It's Back and bigger! The boys decide to investigate what is summarized in Pauly D screaming "What's that?" Finally decided to do something about it and call Danny "The Landlord" (notice the quotes). He said it was a Sunday night so that nothing can be done until tomorrow. Dun dun dun.
Hey, is tomorrow! Is 11.30, plumber here! Snooki is a brilliant one, of course, and just hangs around as to uncover what appeared unclogged. Plot twist, they find a shirt that someone tried to dispose of belonging to one of the boys. JWoww and Vinny Snooki decide that since it is a small (aw). The deal, Pauly D code and brother pulled back from his brother saying that it was likely that the foreigners. If I can use that excuse, I would like to use for many of the events on the shore, like a good idea. Snooki clean the bathroom, possibly, obstruction to the bathroom again, and the balance has been restored.
That night Team Sober (Ron Ron, Sammi and Snooki) stay in jest, and Sitch, while Sitch and the rest goes to a dirty bar - with glasses of beer. Sitch asks the girl who is with the ID to prove who is 21, she has some, but "back when my hair was blond." Riiiight. Sitch take the girl home, but she does not know which team of Sober have in store for him. Sitch bed has been filled with a variety of cheeses and red peppers for the team Sober, revenge for sending Snooki and Diana to the big city. Sober is team, bitch!
The next morning, Sitch tells the rest of the group of the girl last night. He could not connect with her because she smelled cheese, and no one seems to know of Team Sober. The rest of the group reports on the joke, and laughs at JWoww Sitch may have caught something. "Not long microphone to fall dk" he reflects.
Sitch says that's impossible, because all he did was give a little knowledge. JWoww Sitch was surprised that he does not realize that you can still do the things that catch. So I called the doctor. I want a second note how amazing it is that seems to have some kind of medical care for the coast of Jersey, health insurance should be excellent.
We ended up with Vinny and reconciling Snooki. Vinny romantically question "so you can keep breaking the girls?" And Snooki responds that he can, if she does not see. The basis for a solid relationship, I see no problems arising there.
That's it for this week, we go for more on the Jersey Shore. Do it for the children.